Click on "Register" and enter the registration code provided.
Enter your personal information. Then, create your own user ID and password. Make a note of it here:
Go to the main menu and click on "Self Assessment". You will answer a total of 100 questions which should take approximately 20 minutes.
Return to the main menu and click on "Invite Supervisor" and "Invite Staff". Enter rater's email addresses. Each person will be emailed a link to the same assessment questions you just completed. They will be asked to rate your competence for each descriptor and how important each descriptor is for you to be successful at your job.
Note: You can resend invitations if invitee has not completed the assessment. For verification of each invitation, you will be emailed copies of all invitations. If one of your participants does not receive a copy of their invitation, you have the ability to forward it to their direct address.
Once your supervisor and at least two teachers or staff members complete the assessment: you will be able to view the results. Read the description of each report, and then click on "Details" to view the results. Scroll down and click on each descriptor to view a graphical depiction of the results.
Build your Personal Learning Plan (PLP) by clicking on the "View Plan" on the menu page. Select the video segments from the suggested list of resources aligned to each Florida standard. Click onto "Professional Development Resources" located on the main page of this site for more information about the resources listed in this section.
What educators are saying:
"This is the first assessment that truly provides principals with a personal learning plan coupled with a strong online professional development program. [We] principals love it!"